Rob informed me that comcast is not a provider we can continue to use in Texas. That’s fine but my email has been via comcast for years so I have to setup a new one and get everyone switched over.
Obviously, everything normal or easy is taken on Google. So I’ve decided on
All the reasonable people are vociferously against it, which is everyone I’ve talked to. So naturally I’m sticking with it. What if I have to spell it out to someone? Well, then I will! It’s like the joy of slow food. Or Slow Life. Have you seen that video?
Even better is it has a Roman sounding flair which reminds of Monty Python’s Life of Brian and the skit with Biggus Dickus. If that’s not enough, it’s another reminder of the impermanence of everything and why not be impractical while there’s still time left (see previous post: EXCUSE ME?) ?