Using my counting clicker, I recently counted the number of times we let the dogs in or out per day. I counted for 4 days and found that the average number was 52. We were acutely aware of this hassle factor a few weeks ago when we put in an order for a storm door with a doggie door. Still waiting for it but obviously it will drastically improve our quality of life!
We had our first social outing during the pandemic recently when we met Louise & John at Vista brewing for a couple of beers (had a reserved table outside). Great to meet with friends, but, still, we likely won’t be doing any more socializing until there’s a vaccine. Small price to pay to stay healthy and not be a spreader.
We’ve replaced the kennels in main room with beds. So dogs are free to move around at night. Generally has gone well except that Woody (we assume) found a small tear in living room chair bottom that became MORE torn apart. So we have duct taped the entire bottom of the chair before the whole chair is chewed to bits.
We also took the pups on a walk in a nearby nature trail which went great except that meeting other people and dogs is stressful and tiresome. So much barking and chaos! We don’t even have them “meet” as much as pass by from afar.
Rob ordered a portable stand that we put a TV screen on (we didn’t have to buy a TV as we had an extra one already in garage). So now we can wheel the TV out to the deck whenever we want and stream shows! It’s so cool. We also frequently eat dinners out on the deck too since weather these days is absolutely perfect. We sit there as the chickens walk under the table hoping for scraps and the dogs stand around curiously watching the chickens. Pretty fun.
But the BIG news was getting the dogs neutered. That part was fine but it was the aftermath that’s been a drag. Dogs need to be prevented from interfering with their sutures. Cones must be worn at night and anytime we aren’t constantly watching them. Of course they were freaked out by the cones at first!! Both would stand there FROZEN in place, it was so hard to watch. But within a few days, Woody started to walk around, happily smashing into things and not being deterred. In fact, I swear he almost gets excited now when we put it on! Woody is irrepressible. Stony, however, has not fared very well. He would stand frozen and at night Rob would have to lift him and set him in the bed. Stony literally cried half the night the first night (sounds like a humpback whale)! He is only now starting to walk a little with it on, hesitantly.
Now, at day 9, we have a routine at least where in the evening we give them a Benadryl and they have been sleeping better. During the day we just watch them ALL THE TIME (no cone required), although starting yesterday we got a bit more lax. By day 14 we should be done with this. In fact today, we are sending a picture of each of their suture areas to the vet to see if they are considered healed enough to stop all this vigilance.
We were all outside recently in the late afternoon in the front walk when a coral snake went right by all of us into the flowerbed. Very pretty and not scary. And it again appeared further down our walk and went right by the dogs. (ID was verified by facebook snake id group as well as iNaturalist).
Yesterday Rob picked up our order of one-eighth of a steer! Local farmer we discovered through social media (Nextdoor)..all natural and that kind of thing. So we’re set on beef cuts for….a really long time! Freezer full!
About a week to go and then Texas’ early voting begins. In Texas we can’t vote by mail unless you have a valid excuse (they don’t count COVID concerns). So we’ll hop in to vote sometime before November 2.
Below a couple quick videos and then a photo gallery.