We’ve been taking walks in our neighborhood and found it’s scenic and peaceful and riddled with deer. Also, there are several routes we can take to mix it up. Our neighborhood only has one entrance/exit so it’s completely self-contained. During our walks I noticed we walked by a couple other houses with our same number for house address (17). So….once the pandemic is over, our plan to meet some neighbors is to host a “17 ‘s at 17 on the 17th” party!! There are 8 other houses in here that are 17’s (I figured this out on Google Maps). We’ll host on the 17th of the month and do some kind of open house. It reminds me of that infamous party we hosted in college where we determined that the most common names at school were “John” and “Jennifer” so we invited them all to a party (without telling them why they were invited). LOL.
The other idea I can act on sooner than that is to track the number of eggs the hens lay each day. I’ve got a Google Sheet where I’ve begun logging eggs laid/day of week. So I’ll generate graphs to answer questions such as, “What day of the week yields the most eggs?” I could also correlate it to something else, like I dunno, moon phases or something.
Also I really want to have a webcam on the property to see all the animals, especially at night. I guess I have mentioned this more than once and Rob finally revealed to me that he was researching this for my birthday!! I’m very excited about that.
Lastly, I’ve been unpacking and organizing my art/craft stuff in the guest room closet. Decided those hanging shoe racks we had from prior apartments would be handy. Happy about this endeavor.
When I feed the chickens sunflower seeds, which they love, I have been holding them above my lap so they are not accessible unless they stand on my legs! So One-a (or Tua, they look the same) has done this now twice! It’s pretty cool, the only thing I feel bad about is no other hens get any seeds when I do this. So at the end I toss a few to the others. Just wanting to see how far they’ll go…