It hasn’t been long since my last post but it’s been so EVENTFUL I had to update you. Literally the same day I finished writing the last post, I found a different-looking egg in the roost- one of the pullets started to lay!
The Hash Browns lay pretty large beige-pink eggs and Matt lays medium brown eggs with little speckles. So when I found a very small egg with an almost glossy coating I knew immediately it was from one of the new hens! And since Americaunas lay blue eggs, we determined it had to be Zsa Zsa!! (Zsa Zsa is a cochin).
We quickly concluded it was Zsa Zsa’s egg.
Since then, Zsa Zsa has laid several more eggs. That may seem super exciting, but this big news was soon eclipsed…when one day Rob was moving the water hose and when the flowerbed forest got mushed down a bit, he saw that Nessa, our resident peahen, was sitting in the back of the flowerbed in the dirt! So we were like, OH, THAT’S where she’s been hiding!!!
So then we were like OK she’s either sick, or “broody”, or actually sitting on a nest. So I kept an eye out for the next time she would be in the yard (not in the flowerbed). So one morning I saw her out having a dirt bath in a raised bed and I ran out and to my surprise she had a nest full of EGGS!! Super super cool.
Nessa sitting on her nest. You can see one of the eggs underneath her.
So now it was like, OK, she’s got eggs…but are they viable? As in, were they fertilized so they will hatch into chicks? We still don’t know, but I joined a Facebook peacock group and one person told me that peahens seem to “know” so if she is sitting on them basically all the time (which she is) then they probably are viable!!
So I had been tossing some treats her way but she doesn’t eat much and I think it was attracting Matt and the Hash Browns which she probably doesn’t want so anyway I don’t bother her at all now unless she’s up in the yard (very rare) and then I throw her a few dried grubs.
We figure that all the time we thought she was roaming outside our yard she in fact had been sitting on her nest. We feel hatching time must be soon….hoping for actual chicks!
But that’s not all.
Yesterday I found yet another new kind of egg in the coop….BLUE!!
The blue egg is either Isis’ or Sisi’s. We’d lean toward Isis just because she’s larger but we don’t really know yet.
In other news. we had doors installed between the hallway and “music room” which look nice and will be a noise barrier but also create a “suite” for that guest bedroom area. And Rob’s been organizing the garage which is awesome so it’s super neat and tidy in there.
I caught a sentence or two about bonsai trees while we had the Olympics on and I heard that bonsai trees aren’t smaller trees, they are just regular trees pruned and whatever to be that way. So I was like, Oh, I can do my own! So I went to the back where we have a bunch of “cypress” which is actually juniper I think and got a couple baby ones to experiment with.
Laugh all you want. We’ll see how it looks in a year.
We found time to meet up with a couple we met at Suds Monkey Brewing, Sean and Regi. So we hope to get together with them again as they live nearby.
And finally, I am tracking another piece of data to see if it correlates with trail cam animal sightings. I note the days where my Citizen app shows that someone was stuck in an elevator. It’s something that I noticed occurs FAR more often than I ever dreamed. Like, the last 3 days it has happened!
A handful more pics below.