dirty snow which is the closest to green you’ll find
As if Zillow wasn’t good enough, I end up looking on Craigslist too for potential rental homes in Austin.* But Craigslist is, I admit, “kinda weird”, which I believe is the phrase Rob** used for it. However, I did once find a condo for rent on there that I moved into! I will forever point that out as my high point on Craigslist.
But I was thinking that a good 2 years have elapsed since I last searched for property on-line which is a LONG time in digital marketplace so I googled around and discovered Homesnap which seems to have some duplicate properties from Zillow, which makes sense, and behaves similarly, which is fine, but also it has a recommended phone app where you can take a picture of a place and it will automatically pull up all the details on it (whether for sale or rent). Will have to try that out.
We’ll be spending a few days in April down in Austin specifically to look-in-person and hopefully choose our next place of residence. I’m sure I won’t be excited or nervous at all so no need to pack the xanax. That was a joke.
In the meantime, I’m basking in what Paige described as my “victory lap” in Minneapolis, where I am welcoming the signs of spring ——->
Meanwhile, my building is informing me of what needs to be done in my apartment before I move which obviously is a whole lot of cleaning. The list is daunting and who exactly can get things like ovens and showers clean? The last page has an itemized list of all the ways I could fail along with the price they will charge me when I fail to meet their standards. For example, If microwave not clean they will charge…$35. Wow, $35! And I like this one: $50 per stain on the carpet. Oh! haha Excessive Odor Removal $350!
This terrifying list appears to be their way of ensuring we will give it our best shot. Am I buying more cleaning supplies? No, I’m lining up some cleaning service references…I’ve never been able to rid my shower of the water stains (which are extra triple bad in St. Louis Park which I attribute ultimately to the fact we live in a superfund site and really at least I know about that and I drink the water anyway as it’ll be something I’m unaware of that will likely kill me).
* In rereading that first sentence I think the tenses are all wrong but I’m not going to fix it I just want you to know I noticed.
** Rob is one of possibly two readers of my blog.