You can’t step out the front door!
I neglected to inform you about another worrisome array of concerns as our move-out date approaches: the factors working to impair the mover’s ability to get stuff out of the house Rob is renting in South Minneapolis.
So many impediments (I attribute to Rob’s uncanny bad luck)…. and I probably won’t recall them all, but one you can’t overlook is the fact that the front door is not usable because the owner has chosen to demolish and rebuild the front deck this month. The front door, is, of course, the desired doorway to use to get the furniture out as it is the largest entryway. This homeowner does all the work himself, and in fact we’ve seen in past projects that his progress can be slow and so the odds of completion within a week seem dim.
OK, on top of that, Rob’s neighborhood is undergoing a complete re-paving this spring. He called the city and guess whose street will be repaved the day we move out! Yep, no kidding. Nothing the city can do to change it (mother nature, however, could shift the schedule if there’s rain and stuff).
So where the moving truck can even park is a big question. Perhaps the back alley? It’s going to be FUN!
Other interesting excavations literally in his front hard have to do with cable work and um I forget is it water?
On a positive note, Rob emailed some folks today to confirm our movers/new landlord and those things were all systems go (the cleaner he has hired has been a headache, though, so that’s still iffy). And our future landlord’s reply included this tasty tidbit at the end:
the pot bellied pigs come in the yard-- they are super friendly, and you can feed them!
Of course since there was a large, black potbellied pig in the yard the day we saw the property, I’m quite excited to know we will see them on a regular basis. I’m like a kid going to the petting zoo- I can’t wait to feed them!
* Rob lives on Pleasant Street. Note that despite the irony, his old street address in St. Paul had home address of “666” which is arguably worse (and actually turned out to be cursed as that was where that messed up landlord was that made up bad stuff about Rob as mentioned in previous post).
View from Rob’s house. Could it get any worse?