If we don’t bother to latch the pet gate (separating parts of house), Stony will pry it open and come through. It’s not really a problem because Stony doesn’t usually do anything wrong. He’ll walk around to see what you’re up to, maybe sniff things here and there, but won’t be a bother. In the meantime, Woody often watches Stony open gate, and yet does not himself know how to pry open the gate. So he just stands on the other side. We’re pretty happy with this arrangement and we often purposely leave the gate unlatched. Stony can enjoy the privilege and get away from Woody for a little bit.
Woody is also still in the habit of peeing in the house if there’s anything exciting going on or if he is scolded. We are trying to double down on treats and positive things to try to rectify this. In fact, because we are using so many treats, I’ve been making homemade ones. Little niblets with pumpkin and peanut butter.
Woody has yet another nickname besides sea cow: fluffernutter.
I also experimented with a sourdough loaf and added dates, spices like cinnamon, allspice, chinese 5-spice, and cayenne pepper. It was actually pretty good!
We have been eating dinners more often at dining area table rather than kitchen table, and I guess as a result we were thinking about having dynamic placecards for it which will have the names of the Knights of the Round Table (from Monty Python). Our table is round and the chairs around it seem to fit that vibe. You could choose “Dame”, “Sir”, or “Warrior” and I discovered that each of the Knights actually has its own coat of arms so we would make all of those. Future project.
I’m also doing quick sketches on cardboard (leftover from packages) where I first paint some white gesso on them. Chickens are often the subject :)
Also, not sure if I mentioned this before, but I have seen Matt hiccup. It’s hilarious. She ate some treats too fast!
Recently Rob was on an errand to pick up a dinner-to-go order, and he was entering the intersection of our road and Highway 290. His light had been green for awhile, and after 2 cars turned in front of him, he proceeded into intersection….when a car coming from the left plowed through the red light at like 55 mph! Fortunately, Rob was barely moving and the front of his car raked along the side of these folks’ car. So theirs was pretty well damaged but Rob’s not very much. Rob said they were pretty upset and they said they never even saw the light (it was sunset and it’s true the sun would have been in their eyes). But wow, if it was a second or two later, Rob would have been SMASHED INTO! Yikes!!
In terms of dog separation, besides walks, we decided to make it easier on us and go to a brewery once a week and just take one dog. We alternate dogs. We’ve been to Vista Brewing, Jester King, Suds Monkey, and Brewburg Brewery. By the way, we seem to live at a brewery epicenter, so these are all just a few minutes from our house! (We haven’t even tried any distilleries yet, there’s a lot of those near us too). The dogs have been pretty good, but Stony is especially socially fearful. Recently a Mom came up with her young son and asked if he could pet the dog, and we were like, well, um, he’s a puppy so not sure … so she tried to approach him first (and I threw her a treat) but all Stony did was bark at her and act unfriendly so we gave it up. Bummer.
Before Stony growled at an unsuspecting passerby.
Oh we also flew the drone and it was funny to watch the dogs bark and be weirded out. Hoping to try again and get more pics. Hard to get good ones. Honestly, I can’t even handle the controls properly so Rob has to drive.
Our mealworms are still living and multiplying in their little plastic container. I just add a carrot in every few days. I think we have to update the substrate soon. Not looking forward to that as it involves filtering it and stuff. We also made some curried fermented cabbage but that’s still ongoing for a few weeks before we know how it will turn out.
Xmas coming up soon and we’ll maybe cook one of the finer parts of that 1/8 steer we have in the freezer. We named the steer Pat.
Oh I had a doctor annual checkup recently and it was at a new clinic location for me and it was just overall a stressful experience. Hard to locate, sketch inside, and they were understaffed and whatever so I was probably there like almost 2 hours! All the while worrying I’ve picked up COVID.
I also recently saw 3 unmasked shoppers at the grocery store! Haven’t seen that before. I didn’t do anything but my plan next time is to go up to the person and say, “Hi, I’ve got extra masks in my purse, here why don’t you take one”. If they say they don’t need one I’ll point out that it is the store policy so they really kinda have to. Yikes these people!!
Today my eye sockets are a little sore and my eyelids are a little swollen Kind of weird, seems like an allergy? As long as it’s not COVID!
Quite a few more pics below.