With the new COVID variants, we’re trying to take even more precautions so we are starting to do curbside pickup for our groceries. We were pretty happy with our first trip, so we’ll probably keep this up until the pandemic eases. As for breweries, we’re not sure yet. We can pretty much be outside the whole time so it is probably OK, but we’re kind of on the fence right now.
The biggest surprise recently for me was after I posted my “trail cam montage” on Nextdoor. People really, really liked it and I have over 300 reactions to the post (and counting). Since that time, we have more footage of a bobcat, and new sighting of a possum!
Hopping rabbit, coyote, rabbit, skunk, deer, fox, coyote, bobcat.
I’ve started tracking the animals we see in a spreadsheet except for deer and bunnies since those are all the time. I’m going to see if there’s any trends over time or by moon phase or day of the week! I’ll need some help with the formulas because as soon as I need to nest more than one thing I get confused :) Anyway, I’ll generate some cool pie charts and bar graphs eventually!
Woody developed a pink spot on his nose and the vet recommended we bring him in. Just getting him there was tricky as Woody seems to have developed a fear of doorways! Anyway, probably it’s just some kind of irritation from his rooting around, but vet prescribed antibiotic and we will see how he’s doing in a week.
The Great Pink Spot.
Rob’s been upgrading some of his stereo components, and he’s outfitted the backyard with speakers so we’ll have a pretty cool setup going forward! Found a little used coffee table from FB marketplace which will get our family/music room setup to our liking.
One of neighbors who we don’t know at all put up a Trump 2020 sign in their front yard…after the election. I happened to see a young man leave the house with a couple of rifles the other day. There’s also a couple of other Trump flags in our neighborhood that are still flying. So there’s that. To be fair, there are also several neighbors with “science is real” type signs.
Pics below.